dnata’s DGR training receives IATA certification

Well trained staff can be the difference between life and death in air cargo. Image: dnata

When it comes to dangerous goods (DGR), there is no leeway for error as this can have serious effects on flight and human safety. dnata continuously invests in the training of its employees, as well as works to improve its daily airport operations processes. Its DGR global training program was recently awarded the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) Corporate Certification for competency-based training and assessment (CBTA) for Dangerous Goods. A dedicated dangerous goods working group from across the company’s organization, spent 18 months reviewing exactly how dnata assesses and delivers all dangerous goods training requirements in order to comply with IATA’s framework approach. Its findings and solutions were implemented in JAN23, to ensure consistent quality and competency across the global dnata network. dnata was subsequently subjected to a formal and comprehensive IATA audit from MAR23-AUG23, which looked at all aspects of its Training Management Systems and how the Dangerous Goods CBTA program was being applied. This latest certification is another milestone in a longer improvement process. For example, in 2021, dnata became the first global air services provider to adopt IATA’s Dangerous Goods Autocheck (DG Autocheck) platform for the acceptance of dangerous goods shipments.

Steve Allen, CEO of dnata Group, said: “We are proud to continue to lead the way in the handling of dangerous goods across our operations. We persistently invest in our training program and implement the latest global best practices to deliver the highest standards of safety and quality. We will continue to work closely with IATA and our partners to consistently provide best-in-class services to our customers and their customers.”

Frederic Leger, IATA Senior Vice President Commercial Products and Services, stated: “The safe transport of dangerous goods is a priority for the industry, with training being a foundational element. We congratulate dnata on achieving IATA’s CBTA Center certification for Dangerous Goods across their entire network. This achievement underscores dnata’s dedication to upholding the highest standards in dangerous goods training and assessment. It also stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to excellence. dnata’s customers can now have even more confidence, that their products are being handled with the utmost safety and expertise at every touchpoint.”



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