dnata uses Dubai Airport Show to announce green fleet

dnata’s GSE “Green First” approach to reduce carbon emissions. Image: dnata

Aviation sustainability begins on the ground and dnata chose the backdrop of the Dubai Airshow last week, to further demonstrate its commitment to cleaner operations by signing five-year global framework contracts with eight leading manufacturers for new Ground Support Equipment (GSE). The contracts totaling more than USD 210 million, will see upgrade its GSE fleets across its ground handling, cargo and catering & retail operations at 130 airports on six continents. Deliveries will start this month. Almost half of the planned investment (USD 100 million+) will go into dnata’s Dubai GSE fleet, in preparation for the significant growth in business that is forecast. It currently operates 2,500 motorized GSE at Dubai International (DXB) and Dubai World Central (DWC) airports, where it serves more than 190 airlines. Globally, its GSE fleet totals 8,000+ pieces of motorized GSE.  

The new orders are in line with dnata’s “Green First” approach aimed at further reducing its carbon emissions. To date, dnata has already committed to orders worth over USD 29 million from the agreements. “The advanced vehicles will further enhance efficiency, safety and sustainability across dnata’s global network, helping it to continue to deliver world-class services for its over 330 airline customers,” the release states, going on to underline that its green solutions go beyond simply the electrification of its ground handling fleet strategy. dnata “carefully considers climatic conditions and available infrastructure and, working closely with manufacturers and airports on practical solutions, invests in a mix of equipment types including biodiesel, electric, and hybrid to maximize environmental and operational efficiency globally.”

Steve Allen, CEO of dnata Group, declared: “We are committed to investing in best-in-class equipment and working with renowned partners to provide superior value and services to our customers. Today’s newly announced deals reflect our long-term strategy to constantly enhance our capabilities and adapt to the evolving needs of our industry.  We will continue to invest in modern fleet and the latest technologies to remain at the forefront of the industry.”



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