Not long to go until ACE2024 in BUD!

The countdown is on! Image: ACE

Not long to go now until the air cargo world descends upon Budapest (BUD), Hungary for the ACE2024 Central Europe, which takes place 07-09OCT24. The dates have been coordinated to coincide with Budapest Airport’s 7th BUD Air Cargo Day and thus offer the full spectrum of networking and knowledge sharing in one – no, make that two locations. The ACE kicks off with a welcome reception for the circa 200 attendees at the Ritz-Carlton Budapest, also the location for face-to-face meetings to discuss business along with air cargo and forwarding innovations or developments. The conference itself will take place at the ‘Budapest Whale’ or ‘Bálna’ as it is known in Hungarian. The multifunctional, modern building is named after its quirky design and located directly on the bank of the River Danube.
Aviation, Digitalization, and Sustainability are the main themes of the event that looks are the current status of the air cargo industry and the direction it is headed. Focus sessions will discuss:

  • Air Cargo Market Dynamics – with a particular concentration on Central and Eastern Europe, given the location. Sessions will offer insights into the latest trends and challenges and offer business strategies to suit this competitive market.
  • Customer Insights: A look at what consignors expect in this changing environment, and how the industry can better meet their needs.
  • Sector Consolidation: Focusing on current consolidations within the air cargo industry and discussing how stakeholders can collaborate to enhance efficiency and value.
  • Customs and Regulatory Updates: Key updates on airfreight customs processes will be provided, with a focus on compliance and operational efficiency.
  • E-commerce Innovations: The latest technologies driving e-commerce growth will be showcased, and their impact on air cargo logistics discussed.
  • BUD Air Cargo Community System (ACS): Budapest Airport will demonstrate how it is transforming its cargo operations using Kale Logistics Solutions’ ACS for greater visibility, tracking, and supply chain compliance.

Business and pleasure are easily mixed in Budapest and attendees will have the opportunity to experience the beautiful Danube as well as Hungary’s proud cultural heritage and hospitality before the event closes with a Farewell Cocktail, sponsored by R-Bag.
CargoForwarder Global will be present in the form of Heiner Siegmund, who is more than happy to hear about your company’s innovations, best-practices, as well as impressions of the ACE2024. He can be reached on to arrange an interview.



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