WCAworld starts 2025 with management changes

Adam McKenna, Erwin van der Genugten, Bryce Barnhart. Image: WCAworld

The world’s largest network of independent freight forwarders (numbering 12,451 member offices in 195 countries), announced management transitions at the start of the year, following the retirement of two of its long-standing managers at the end of 2024. Bruce Cutillo, General Manager of both WCA Dangerous Goods and WCA Projects networks, retired after 11 years at the helm. He reflected: “WCA Projects has been the most enjoyable part of my career since 1981. It has been a privilege working with such highly professional members, many of whom I count as friends.” He built both networks to what they are today: WCA Dangerous Goods is considered “the world’s foremost independent dangerous cargo forwarding network, now boasting over 160 member offices in 45 countries,” and WCA Projects which focuses on project logistics, now numbers 400+ international member offices and is “recognized for its stringent quality standards and dynamic member partnerships.
Alongside him, Brian Churchman who was Managing Director of Lognet Global since 2010, also stepped down, having developed Lognet Global into “one of the world’s most dynamic and respected freight forwarder networks, known for its exclusivity and quality”. Brian commented: “I am truly proud to have supported Lognet Global’s members and will miss the camaraderie, especially at our conferences. I wish all members continued success in their business and personal lives.”
Stepping into their shoes are: U.S.-based Bryce Barnhart, long-time senior WCAworld manager, who will succeed Brian as Managing Director of Lognet Global. Amsterdam-based Erwin van der Genugten, takes on the role of General Manager of WCA Projects, alongside his existing responsibilities as Regional Manager Europe WCA and Managing Director EGLN Network. UK-based, Adam McKenna, is the new General Manager of WCA Dangerous Goods.
David Yokeum, Chairman and Founder of WCAworld, remarked: “Our retiring leaders have set the gold standard for network management. We are deeply grateful for their contributions and confident that their successors will lead with the same passion, dedication, and innovation.”



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