Kales Group turned 30

The Amsterdam-based General Sales and Service Agent celebrated its 30th birthday. Around 80 guests joined the party – the majority of them employees from the worldwide stations, but also 26 representatives of long-standing customers. During the festivity, CEO Sebastiaan Scholte announced major news.

Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag – Happy Birthday, Kales Airline Services! A few days ago, the company celebrated a lavish party at its headquarters in Amsterdam, which lasted until the early morning hours. But before the actual celebrations started, there was an internal meeting – typical behavior and in good tradition with the Calvinist heritage of the Dutch people. During this meeting, management took stock and looked ahead to the coming years.

It was a fantastic party for the participants and the entire company, summarized Kales CEO Sebastiaan Scholte (in front row, 2nd from the right)  –  photos: company courtesy.

From regional to global brand
It was followed by a thank-you to the company’s loyal customers who paved the way for Kales’ rise to become one of the world’s largest GSSAs, as management claims. CEO Scholte emphasized in his keynote speech, that without their long-lasting support, it would not have been possible to become a global brand.
The company’s ascent was enabled by organic growth, coupled with selective acquisitions to penetrate new markets and tighten the network. In recent years, the sales agent has extended its services to India, China, Hong Kong, Turkey, Central America, and the USA.
What distinguishes Kales and justifies the leading role of the GSSA? It is a combination of services rendered, reliability, and expertise. Above all, however, it is – again very Dutch – the entrepreneurial spirit of the company and its employees. “We offer our mandate airlines one-stop shopping solutions, targeted business packages like Total Cargo Management service portfolios, and foster long-lasting relationships. In other words, going the extra mile is part of our genes.”

Data availability has become a main business driver
This customer relationship is increasingly driven by data that makes processes transparent and indicates future developments at an early stage. From this perspective, Kales has developed into a data pool. This allows trends to be identified at an early stage and makes it easier for management to take targeted decisions and understand the specific demand of its customers better.

A toasts to 30 years of Kales!

After these considerations, the invitees took over control of the further course of the event. One highlight was the mixing of cocktails by the guests according to their own ideas and taste preferences. After this intermezzo, the atmosphere was unbeatable.

Avianca enriches Kales’ global network
However, before turning to wining and dining, Sebastiaan Scholte and his management team had another ace up their sleeve, which they then unveiled. Beginning 01OCT24, the Colombian airline, Avianca, will join the Kales club, becoming a new mandate carrier. The airline offers southbound routes from the USA and Canada to destinations in Central and South America. Kales will represent Avianca in Washington, New York (JFK), Dallas/Fort Worth, and Houston. Avianca operates A330-200 and A300-B4 freighter aircraft, thus offering the North American market main deck utilization. In addition, Kales is responsible for filling the lower decks of Avianca’s passenger aircraft with freight on flights bound for Colombia, Mexico, Brazil or Argentina, among others. The Avianca news further stimulated the mood at the Kales party. “It was a fantastic feast, good for the morale of our staff and good for the entire company,” CEO Scholte summed up. “Despite all modernization and electronic data exchange, the celebration proved, once again, that air freight is still a people’s business,” the executive concluded. Or, translated into the Dutch native’s mother tongue: luchtvracht blijft een mensenzaak.



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